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All other officers shall receive a $50 stipend for each General Membership meeting they
attend. Executive Board members, other than the Business Agent and Financial
Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary, shall receive a $50 stipend for each
Executive Board meeting they attend.
In all cases, where there is any replacement of an officer in an elected salaried position,
that new officer shall be compensated at the same rate of pay as that officer they replace
until the position is filled by election. All salaries of the elected officers shall be paid in
equally divided payments for a fifty-two (52) week year, including two weeks of paid
vacation. Any elected full-time salaried officer with more than five (5) years in office
shall be entitled to three (3) weeks of paid vacation per year. Any elected full-time
salaried officer with more than ten (10) continuous years in office shall be entitled to four
(4) weeks of paid vacation per year.
Officer salaries shall not be reduced during the term of office. Any proposed increase in
excess of the above compensation during the term of office shall require a two-thirds
favorable vote by secret ballot of the members present at a special meeting. Written
notice shall be sent to all members, at their address on file with the Local, at least fifteen
(15) days prior to the date of the meeting.
Any full-time officer, full-time dispatcher, full-time field representative or full-time
employee, may not work in the contractual jurisdiction of Local 99.

ARTICLE IV – Duties of Officers

SECTION 1 – President
The President shall:
a) Preside at all General Membership and Executive Board meetings.

i.Announce the business before the Local in the order in which it isto be acted upon.

ii.Receive and submit in the proper manner all motions andpropositions presented by the members at the meeting.

b) Appoint or remove members who serve on committees unless otherwise directed
by the membership…
c) Appoint members to serve as officers pro tem.
d) Sign all orders on the Treasury legally authorized by this Local and attested by the
Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary.
e) Be ex-officio member of all committees.
f) Have the power to call the meeting of the Executive Board when required to
convene or a special meeting of this Local when the sense of this Local deems it
g) Administer the oath of membership to all applicants elected to membership in this
h) Shall be a delegate for the Utah AFL-CIO and the Central Utah Federation of
i) By virtue of office, the President shall be a delegate to all International
Conventions, International or District executive meetings when called.
j) Hold quarterly craft meetings and report the results of those meetings to the
Executive Board for action.

SECTION 2 – Vice-President

The Vice President shall:
a) Perform duties as assigned by the President or vote of the body.
b) In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume all duties of the
c) Be ex-officio member of all committees.
d) Serve as the delegate to the Central Utah Labor Council in its regular monthly
meetings and report to the Executive Board.

SECTION 3 – Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary

The Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary shall:
a) Be a full-time employee of this Local and oversee the day-to-day operations of
the Local’s office.
b) Keep a true and accurate record of all income and disbursements and all assets
and liabilities of this Union.
c) Make and present an annual budget to be reviewed by the Executive Board and
approved by the members.
d) Keep each member’s account with this Local correctly and notify this Local of all
e) Collect and carefully record the receipts of all dues, fines, fees and other money
received and put same in the General Fund of the Local.
f) Report all arrears at the regular meeting each month and perform all other duties
that arise.
g) Disburse funds of the Local to meet its obligations as approved. Draw warrants on
the Treasury when so ordered by the Union.
h) Deliver to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees for auditing purposes all
books and papers in their possession and shall attend such auditing meetings.
i) Receive and answer all correspondence of this Local.
j) Read all important communications such as from the International and Local
Managers before the communication from road members.
k) Keep any amendments or alterations to the Constitution and Bylaws in a digital
index, separate from the minutes, so that the Secretary may be able to
immediately refer to same at any meeting of the Local when called upon to do so.
l) Keep any motions in a digital index, separate from the minutes, so that the
Secretary may be able to immediately refer to same at any meeting of the Local
when called upon to do so.

m) Keep a correct list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses
of members of this Local at all times.
n) Keep a list of committees and contact information of Chair and members.
o) Keep a record of all Union Steward reports.
p) Shall devise ways and means, with assistance of the organization, on rectifying
any shortfall of Local funds below the amount that is necessary to operate the
business of the Local.
q) Maintain a current roster of all members within the applicable and respective
r) By virtue of office, the Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary
shall be a delegate to all International Conventions, International or District
executive meetings when called.
s) This Local shall provide a Fidelity Bond in the sum that is required by law.

SECTION 4 – Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall:
a) Make a correct record of the proceedings of each General Membership and
Executive Board meeting, noting in the minute book the mover and person
seconding all motions. They shall deliver these records to the Financial Secretary
Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary within two (2) working days after each
b) Attend all General Membership and Executive Board meetings and report same at
the next regular meeting.
c) Deliver action items from any meeting to the Executive Officers no later than two
(2) working days after the meeting so that they may be acted upon by the
Executive Board.

SECTION 5 – Business Agent

The Business Agent shall:
a) Be a full-time employee of this Local.
b) Procure work, as far as within the power of their office and distribute same
according to objective standards.
c) Supervise and direct the operations of any dispatch department as defined by the
d) Appoint or remove Dispatchers as needed to fairly distribute the work among the
members of the Hiring Hall.
e) Be the primary negotiator/signatory of all agreements between employers and the
f) Have supervision of the placing of all extra personnel and have the names and
phone numbers of all persons desiring work.
g) Visit premises where work is being performed to inspect and address working
conditions, compliance with agreements, and address any concerns with
h) Appoint Field Representatives, as necessary, with the approval of the Executive
i) By virtue of office, the Business Agent shall be a delegate to all International
Conventions, International or District executive meetings when called.
j) Maintain a list of qualified Motion Picture and Television workers.

SECTION 6 – Executive Board Members

The Executive Board Members shall:
a) Be charged with representing the views of their craft members of this Local to the
Executive Board.
b) Be an ex officio member of all committees dedicated to their respective classified
c) Attend the quarterly craft meetings of their respective craft.
d) Help stewards resolve issues that arise on work calls should the Business Agent
be unavailable.

SECTION 7 – Board of Trustees

The Trustees shall:
a) Be responsible and have the general supervision of all monies and property of this
b) Review the financial affairs of the Local to ensure the fiscal soundness of the Local
and that proper procedures are followed in the use of the General Fund.
c) Conduct a review of the Local’s financial affairs twice per year and report to the
membership their findings. One shall be following October 31st of each year. One
shall be as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year of the International
Alliance, i.e., April 30th. They shall audit the books of the Financial Secretary
Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary, and make a report to the Local of the same, as
well as any money or property in the Treasurer’s possession.
d) Have the power, should they deem it necessary, to call in an auditor or other person,
to assist in auditing the books.
e) Demand books of the Local, and immediately report any irregularities to the
Executive Board for resolution.
f) No member of the Executive Board shall be eligible to be a member of the Board of

SECTION 8 – Sergeant-At-Arms

The Sergeant-At-Arms shall:
a) Guard the door at all General Membership meetings, to permit none to enter who
are not qualified to do so.
b) Record the attendance to all meetings and provide copies to the Recording
Secretary and Local 99 office.
c) Assist the officers in maintaining order.
d) Deliver messages or such other duties as the chair may direct.

SECTION 9 – Delegates to International and District Conventions

a) The compensation of the delegates to the International Convention shall include
coach air transportation and per diem from the International Convention Fund.
The Local may provide additional per diem if deemed necessary.
b) If there are more than three Delegates allowed for any International or District
Conventions, the additional Delegates will be elected from the membership. All
Delegates to the International Convention and District Convention must be voted
by the membership unless a Delegate is elected by virtue of the office held.
c) In the event an officer of this Local who would be a Delegate to the International
or District Conventions is unable to attend, an alternate Delegate may be elected
from the membership.


SECTION 1 – Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Financial Secretary
Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary, Business Agent, Recording Secretary, Executive
Board Member – Stage Craft, Executive Board Member – Tradeshow, Executive Board
Member – Motion Picture & Television, and Executive Board Member – At-Large.

SECTION 2 – Executive Board Powers and Duties

The Executive Board shall:
a) Have supervision over any matter of an urgent nature which may require
immediate action during the interval between Membership meetings.
b) Decide upon all matters referred to it by the Membership. Its decision shall be
binding unless reversed by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a
regular or special Membership meeting.
c) Investigate all complaints of members and decide, if possible, upon all questions
in dispute; accepting any honorable means towards an amicable settlement that
may be deemed essential to the best interest of the Local.
d) Have the power to call a special meeting of the Executive Board, with notification
to the Membership, at any time for any cause that may, in their judgment, make
such action necessary. The Executive Board must report any action taken at such
meeting at the next Membership meeting.
e) Have the power to call a special meeting of the Membership for a specific purpose
and that stated purpose shall be the only business conducted at such meeting.
f) All motions and rulings voted upon by the Executive Board shall be by roll call
and all votes and abstentions shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting and
shall appear in the report to the next Membership meeting.
g) Any member in good standing shall be permitted to attend any Executive Board
Meeting but shall have no voice or vote. If, in the opinion of the Board, a closed
meeting or portion thereof is necessary, any visiting member shall be excused.
h) Not be able to call a strike against any employer without the consenting vote of
the membership at a membership meeting called expressly for that purpose.


SECTION 1 – Election Committee

The President, upon taking office, will appoint an Election Committee, and appoint one
member of the Committee as Judge of Elections. The Committee will remain in office
until the next election of officers.
SECTION 2 – Training Committee
The Training Committee shall consist of five members in good standing, one from each
of the Craft Departments, one At Large and one who possesses a Wardrobe and/or Hair
and Make-Up 4-star skill, appointed by the President. A majority of the committee must
be present in order to conduct business. They shall report to the Body of the Local.
This Committee shall, in consultation with The IATSE Training Trust Fund and the
IATSE Education and Training Department, be responsible for the implementation and
maintenance of a suitable training program for new participants of the Hiring Hall.
This Training Program shall be designed to be completed in approximately one year from
the participant’s date of hire at low or no additional cost to the participant.
This Committee shall also be responsible for the implementation of training opportunities
for incumbent workers as need and demand arises.
SECTION 3 – Seniority Committee
The Seniority Committee shall consist of five members in good standing, one from each
of the Craft Departments, one At Large and one from the Wardrobe list appointed by the
President. A majority of the committee must be present in order to conduct business.
They shall report to the Body of the Local.
The Seniority Committee shall administer the Seniority List pursuant to the rules in the
Job Referral Procedures and Rules.
They shall meet once a quarter as close to the beginning of the quarter as practicable and
at other times as the need arises.

SECTION 4 – Union Stewards
a) The Business Agent shall appoint all Union Stewards.
b) It shall be the duty of the Union Steward to carefully examine the working cards
and contracts of all road personnel; to sign and take charge of the yellow cards; to
report, in writing, at all meetings the number of personnel used to work attractions
and the names and local numbers of all road members playing the Union
Steward’s respective theatres.
c) It shall be the duty of the Union Steward to see that all members working in the
Union Steward’s respective place of employment comply with the laws of this
Union and report any acts of misconduct on the part of any member. If, at any
time, a question arises as to the number of personnel to be used or other matters,
the Union Steward shall immediately notify the Business Agent. It shall be the
duty of the Union Steward to send a written report of any non-compliance or
or misconduct to the Business Agent.
d) Where permanent house stewards are not appointed, a show steward may be
called from the list of approved stewards designated by the Business Agent for
individual events.

SECTION 3 – Dispatchers
a) The Business Agent shall appoint all Dispatchers, with the approval of the
Executive Board.
b) It shall be the duty of the Dispatchers to receive notification of work and
distribute same to the qualified workers to the best of the Dispatcher’s ability. The
Dispatchers shall have no executive authority and all disputes arising from either
employees or members shall be referred to the Business Agent for resolution. The
Dispatchers shall at all times divide the work equitably among all qualified
personnel according to the rules of the Hiring Hall and shall not discriminate
against any person in any way.
c) The Dispatcher shall use the call list which shall reflect the current qualifications
of the workforce in each of the craft classifications. A list will also be maintained
by the Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary as to the good
standing of employees in the workforce.
d) Standing in the workforce shall be governed by the Hiring Hall Rules.

SECTION 4 – Field Representatives

a) The Business Agent shall appoint Field Representatives as necessary, with the
approval of the Executive Board.
b) The duties of the Field Representative(s) shall be as directed by the Business Agent.