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Employer Payroll Contacts

Venue/EmployerContact Name/DepartmentPhoneEmail
Arata ExpoNicole Riso, Payroll Mgr(801)
Ballet WestJennifer Bailey(801)
Ballet West pays bi-weekly. Pay week is Monday through Sunday for pay on the following Thursday.
Encore GlobalJon Marchant, Operations Manager(385) 468-2240
Expo Labor ProsRon Dennis, HR/
FreemanLas Vegas Office(702) 263-1484
Freeman Corporate Payroll Office(214) 445-1000
GESPayroll Hotline(866) 590-4106
GESCarl(702) 263-1573
Lancaster ExpoTheresa Murphy(765) 292-2003
Live NationHelp Line(866) 540-0115
McNabb CarpetShirley Polidane(248)
National ConventionAlexis Artieda(212) 947-8255
Nth DegreePayroll Dept.(702) 247-8820
Paramount CS/Show
Shepard ExpoJoanne, Payroll Rep404-720-8600Shepard pays weekly. Pay periods are Sunday though Saturday, for pay on the following Friday.
ASM (formerly SMG) Payroll(385) 468-2222, ask for payroll dept
Union Payroll Agency(916) 625-1420
Utah Opera/SymphonyKarine Mnatsakanyan(801)
UTP Payroll:Payroll office(801)

The following employers use UTP (Utah Theatrical Payroll) for payroll services. UTP pay periods are: the 26th through the 10th for payday on 15th and the 11th through the end of the month for payday on the 1st of the following month.

  • Brede
  • Broadway Across America at Eccles Theater
  • Cache Valley Center for the Arts
  • Cornerstone
  • Czarnowski
  • Delta Center
  • JP Display
  • Live Nation – Salt Lake
  • MagicSpace
  • Maverick Center (Centennial Management)
  • Modern Display
  • New York Dance Alliance
  • Oasis Stage Werks
  • Salt Lake County Fine Arts
  • UTP Productions

Motion Picture, Television, Commercials

EmployerContact Name/DepartmentPhoneEmail
Entertainment PartnersBradley Hazzard, Director, Labor
Atmosphere StudiosMin Tran, Payroll Dept.(801) 703- 5859 
Cast & CrewJulie Totta(818)
Entertainment PartnersBob Pucher(818)