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House Positions

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We would like to update you to the recent opening of the Assistant Electrics and Head Wardrobe positions at the Eccles Theatre as of September 6, 2024.

Below, are the House Positions Policies and Procedures document along with a form confirming you have read and agreed to abide by these guidelines and conditions set forth. Some of the policies created include an updated set of expectations for the Assistant Electrics and Head Wardrobe position, a probationary period upon appointment, and a two-year review process. We feel it’s vital to have House Heads and Assistants who are relevant in the industry, safe and competent on the job, and effective communicators with our Clients and Employers and Workers.

The following are scheduled dates from the House Position formally being opened, to the Employers receiving previewed cover letters and resumes for review.

Friday, Sept. 6 Eccles Salt Lake City Assistant Electrics and Head Wardrobe Position open for applicants.

Friday, Sept. 13 Final submission date of cover letter and resume.

Sunday – Wednesday, Sept. 15 – 18 Review of applications –

Thursday, Sept. 19 – Interviews will be initiated during this time. Previewed applicants’ letters and resume presented to employers.

When evaluation from employers is received, final decisions are sent out.

We look forward to having these positions filled with qualified professionals who will represent the local in a manner that we can all be proud of. If there are any questions, please feel free to email me.


HPAC Committee:

Stuart Dobbie

HPAC – Chair

To Apply:
Email Completed form (below), Resume and Cover Letter to AND CC to