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How to Become a Member

Please be aware that there are eligibility requirements and financial obligations.

Be prepared to verify the following:

  • Proof of residency in the jurisdiction for the past 18 months
  • Proof of 30 days worked within the past 12 months
  • Age

To apply for membership:

Send email to finsec@finsecialocal99-org and with subject “Request for Membership”. Include in email:  full name, email and phone number.

The Financial Secretary-Treasurer will respond in email with invoice and payment link for

  • $100.00 non-refundable application fee (This money will be sent to IA headquarters in NYC)
  • At least 50% of IATSE Local 99’s Initiation Fee of $300.00 (this is refundable if the application is rejected by the International or Local 99)

If you prefer, payments can also be made via checks (payable to IATSE Local 99), money orders or credit card processing by telephone or in person at the office.

Office hours are Monday – Friday 10a – N; 1 – 4p

You will be notified by the Financial Secretary-Treasurer that your membership application and fees have been received.  After the application has been processed and endorsed by the General Secretary-Treasurer of the Alliance at the International Office in New York, you will be interviewed by Local 99 members in good standing.  If the interview is successful, you will be voted upon by the body of Local 99’s General Membership to join IATSE Local 99.

Once accepted as a member, by the vote of the body and prior to initiation to IATSE Local 99, payment of any balance of Local 99’s Initiation fee and at least one quarter’s worth of membership dues ($77 for 2024) will be required.

After meeting the financial obligations, you will stand with the body to take an oath of obligation to the constitution and bylaws that govern the members of IATSE Local 99 at a monthly general meeting.

The ongoing financial obligations of membership are:

  • Quarterly membership dues ($77 for 2024) – Local 99 keeps less than $1/quarter.
  • Work Dues (Assessment) – 5% for live event/stage/tradeshow work – 2% for MPTV work.