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UTAH AFL-CIO Call to Action on HB267

Call to Action from the AFL-CIO

The AFL-CIO has put out a call to action for all union members, their families, and any other supporters. Read the following and we hope to see you at the capital tomorrow if you can make it!!

Brothers & Sisters,

It’s time to stand in Solidarity once again with our Brothers and Sisters in the public sector. Representative Jordan Teuscher’s HB267 bill is advancing now to the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, which is not a pro-worker committee. Because of this unfair attack on union members, I am officially putting out a CALL TO ACTION for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th at 1:30 p.m. in the Senate Building Room 210. I am asking everyone to show up in the Senate Building tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. to start staging our members to flood the Senate

Building with Union Members and allies.

Please share this information with your co-workers, friends, family, neighbors. We need to show a strong showing of Solidarity. It has now become the most watched legislation across the nation and it is the most evil and damaging legislation that we have ever seen.

See you tomorrow and thank you for standing union strong!!

In Solidarity,

Jeff Worthington

President, Utah AFL-CIO

6 thoughts on “UTAH AFL-CIO Call to Action on HB267”

  1. This is not just an attack on unions. These are the most essential workers that exist. While much money is collected for them through taxes and bonds,their access to it is miniscule. They should be allowed every access to every bargaining resource available. A family first state that won’t protect their protectors is ridiculous

  2. Our new administration is formidable. As a union leader of men and women I stand against this bill. You can call me personally at 801-588-9670. John Freeburg.

  3. This bill is an attempt to end collective bargaining in the public sector. It is not pro worker or pro family and will damage the American middle class.

  4. Our firefighters have to take second jobs now to pay their bills. This bill would threaten the shaky security of a recently signed MOU. PLEASE STAND WITH THEM!

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